Amplitude Brand Video

With the help of jibs, dollies, and probe lenses we helped visualize breaking out of the “black box” of user experience data for Amplitude. Watch how we brought light into the darkness.



And if you’re curious how we made it, we put together this video of all the behind the scenes action:

Adobe Premiere Gen Ai

Here’s another crazy cool batch of generativeAI features that we helped Adobe announce recently. With an insane turnaround time, we shot a heist-type film scene to show off what the new tools will do. Fellow filmmakers should appreciate some of the quick new ways you can now actually ‘fix it in post’.


HPE X F1 Mercedes

This is the first in a series of Sponsorship films for HPE imagining a world where whatever you needed simply (magically!) appears for you – right when you need it. Need coffee? Boom! Wardrobe change? Bam! Want your earbuds? Thwip! Well, that’s kinda like what HPE technology provides for Mercedes (Want data and intelligence right now? Kapow!). It’s what helps make them one of the most successful Formula 1 teams in history. We flew to the UK to shoot with Sir Lewis Hamilton and the team in a huge warehouse with dozens of heritage F1 cars. Watch as everything conjures for Lewis as he walks to his car for a test run. Since it’s the first in a series, please check back for the next one!

Skycar x Adobe MAX 2023

We recently had two animations feature in the keynote at Adobe MAX. The Skycar team joined in person to watch the work on the big (HUGE!) screen and to take in all the excitement.


Our team pulled off the (nearly) impossible with this 2D and 3D mixed animation for Scott Belsky’s keynote address, designed by the talented Marco Mueller. We delivered at the 11th hour and got to see Scott nail the live VO in person at MAX.


Our Lightroom sizzle featured in the MAX Keynote and successfully had 10,000 people singing ‘it’s about to get real good’ for the remainder of the day.


Our Firefly ‘greatest hits’ sizzle hit just in time for MAX to show off all the killer new Firefly capabilities.

Stellar x Moneygram Case Study

We teamed back up with our friends at Stellar to partner on a new case study film. This time we headed out to Dallas, Texas, ate way too much barbecue and pointed our lenses towards the good folks with Moneygram international. Stellar and Moneygram are teaming up to allow users to send money globally, protect against market volatility, and convert digital dollars to local currency at MoneyGram locations worldwide.