
Film  •  Design  •  Animation


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We're a creative studio fueled by curiosity, optimism, and a healthy disregard for inertia.



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Skycar Lookback Reel 2024

Hey, look what we got up to last year. Thank you to all of our clients and creative community for making it such a productive and exciting 2024!

Adobe x Sundance

From FADE IN to FADE TO BLACK... Adobe is with you, the filmmaker, every step of the way. We teamed up with Adobe Studio to bring this 30 second 'Ode to filmmaking' to the big screen at this year's Sundance Film Festival.

Gold Star Peak

For proof that nature is a powerful healing force, look no further than Gold Star Peak just outside of Anchorage, AK.

Skycar turned 10!

Milestone Alert - Skycar turned 10!

Skycar Creative is officially ten years old this fall. At 6:15am on September 15, 2014 Aaron and Jane officially launched the company and moved into our HQ in Point Richmond, CA. We’re so grateful to be here still, and well aware that it's because of all of our wonderful clients and creative community. Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far!

Amplitude Brand Video

With the help of jibs, dollies, and probe lenses we helped visualize breaking out of the “black box” of user experience data for Amplitude. Watch how we brought light into the darkness.

Adobe Premiere Gen Ai

Here’s another crazy cool batch of generativeAI features that we helped Adobe announce recently. With an insane turnaround time, we shot a heist-type film scene to show off what the new tools will do. Fellow filmmakers should appreciate some of the quick new ways you can now actually ‘fix it in post’.

Adobe Firefly One Year

No matter how futuristic Adobe’s new digital tools get, the soul of these products remains rooted in tangible art. To celebrate the one year anniversary of Adobe’s Generative Ai tool, Firefly, we mixed the future with the past and sprinkled in a solid helping of fun.

California Academy of Sciences

The good folks at the California Academy of Sciences came to us with a challenge: ‘How can we shake things up for our annual Gala event video as we raise funds for our Thriving California program.’ Well, after a trip to Mars and back, we think we did just that.

2023 End of Year Reel

Before looking ahead, here’s a quick smattering of projects we got to jam on last year. Thanks to all for your collaboration!

Bastion Educational Short

Need just the right sprinkling of blockchain in your enterprise? Here’s our illustrated animation for Bastion that shows how to make it happen.

HPE x Tottenham Hotspur F.C.

We joined HPE on an international adventure – filming in a London fry shop and at a nail-biter of a match in Hotspur Stadium. The VFX magic was added back home.

HPE X F1 Mercedes

This is the first in a series of Sponsorship films for HPE imagining a world where whatever you needed simply (magically!) appears for you – right when you need it. Need coffee? Boom! Wardrobe change? Bam! Want your earbuds? Thwip! Well, that’s kinda like what HPE technology provides for Mercedes (Want data and intelligence right now? Kapow!). It’s what helps make them one of the most successful Formula 1 teams in history. We flew to the UK to shoot with Sir Lewis Hamilton and the team in a huge warehouse with dozens of heritage F1 cars. Watch as everything conjures for Lewis as he walks to his car for a test run. Since it’s the first in a series, please check back for the next one!